Ben Berman
Aerial Survey Pilot
Where do you live?
Provo, UT
How long have you been flying?
Eight years.
Which of our company values resonates the most with you?
The Little Things Matter. I feel like this one ties everything together, since you can’t truly commit to the other ones if you cut corners on them.
Where is your favorite place that you have traveled to for work?
Seattle, WA. The scenery flying over there is the best. The mix of mountains, islands, ocean, snow, and greenery is amazing.
What have been some challenging moments for you at work?
Spending time away from home can be difficult, but on the flip side you get to spend a lot of time at home on your off days!
What new skills or knowledge have you gained from working at Sol?
First time flying on the East coast, first time flying in Canada, first time above FL180, first time in the Washington DC SFRA/FRZ, and I just started!
What makes Sol stand out from the competition?
Same thing that makes it a special place to work; the management team is on a whole other level.
Do you have any pets?
At one point I had 13 – Goats, frogs, cats, rabbits, and a dog. I’m down to 8 now but if my wife had it her way we’d have a zoo.
Do you have any role models?
Rather than have one role model I like to look up to the best parts of everyone I meet and aspire to be the best I can be.
Do you have any nicknames?
The Machine. No need for food, drink, sleep, restrooms, or any of those other pesky human needs holding us back.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
Burgers. Cheeseburgers, chicken burgers, beyond burgers, black bean burgers, I’ll eat them all.